Focus on coaching.
We take care of the rest.
Set your own rate for services
Coach anytime, anywhere
Gain new knowledge
Add your price for different types of services you can offer (e.g. for 60 mins coaching, for a package of 4-6 consultations, etc.)
Decide when and how many hours you want to give consultations. Show your availability in your profile and coach people when you can!
Exchange knowledge and experience with other coaches, attend our community events and trainings, grow your network.
More benefits working with us
Steady stream of new clients and long-lasting trastworthy relationships with them
Grow your international network
Hassle-free scheduling and invoicing
How you can benefit from working with us
Steady stream of new clients
We pay close attention to a coachee's core needs and match them with the right coach.

Perfect Match results in trustworthy and long-lasting "coach-client" relationships.
Grow your international network
Be part of the ever-growing AdviSpace coaching community.

Share your knowledge, meet like-minded people, and facilitate service improvement.
Hassle-free scheduling & invoicing
We synchronize with your personal calendar and arrange meetings in one click.

Agree with clients on any suitable payment method for you because we don't charge any commission.
What we expect from you
Coaching or mentorship experience in the following areas:
Coaching certification
(not obligatory but would be beneficial)
All certified coaches are highligted on the platform
A passion for helping others discover the path to greater fulfilment and satisfaction 🙂
career coaching
career consulting (help with CV, Motivation Letter, Interview, Job search) for German market
leadership coaching
skill coaching
How we will work together
Fill in the application form
Once the application form is submitted, our team will process it within 3-5 business days. If we have some questions, you will receive a link to the personal interview.
Review your profile
When we add your profile on the platform, we will send you an Email to review it and clarify your availability and services.
Get to know your clients
When a booking request is posted, you will get an Email notification. The first introductory session is free of charge and lasts, on average, 30 mins.
Enjoy the seamless process and grow your client base!
Frequently Asked Questions

You set your own rate on all of your services in your account. On average, one-hour consultation costs 50 - 70 Eur. All prices and services you provide will be visible in your profile in the "Explore Coaches" section.

You agree on your own payment method with a coachee during the first free introductory session. As we are an early-stage startup and the AdviSpace platform is in the beta-testing phase now, we do not charge any commission for connecting you with a client. However, we expect to get some feedback after the first couple of sessions you had with clients who found you on our platform. It will help us to improve the platform's usability for you and your coachees in the future.

One coaching session lasts on average 60 minutes. The first booking with a new client is a free introductory call of 20-30 minutes.

All sessions are held online, and you can decide together with your client on your preferable way of communication. For video calls, we can recommend Zoom, Google Meet, Skype and WhatsApp.

Yes, it's totally free to join us as a coach.

You can run as many sessions as you can handle. Do not forget about your mental health and the quality of coaching sessions!

To become a coach on AdviSpace, you should:
  • Fill out a short questionnaire and tell us more about your experience and interests
  • Upload your picture
  • Set your rate and choose your availability
After submitting your application, we review it within 3-5 business days
  • If we don't have any questions, we will add your profile to the website and share the link to review it via email.
*Note: In the future, you will be able to track the status of your application and apply any changes in your personal account.
Because it's easy and flexible! We are open to making changes and adopting the platform for your needs. If you work with AdviSpace, you can:
  • get a steady stream of new clients who want to grow personally and professionally
  • share your experience and knowledge and learn from others by attending our community events, trainings and workshops
  • talk to us and share any feedback anytime! We are more than happy to listen to our coaches and improve our service together with you.
Any recommendations how we can improve or questions?
We are always happy to hear from you!
You can reach out to us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Telegram or by sending an email to